Your Lawyers for Indian Courts

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Our Practice Areas


A copy of the Will certified under the seal of the Court of competent Jurisdiction...​

Succession Certificate

A document that gives authority to the person who obtains it...


A legal document that specifies a persons intention & wishes, which needs to be...

Civil Litigation

A term that applies to any legal disputes, between two or more parties seeking...

Letter of Administration

If a person dies intestate, then the Applicant seeking Administrative rights pertaining to...

Trusts and Estates

A trust is essentially created by a WILL. Hence it should comply with the laws of the land...

Matrimonial Matters

This refers to any disputs or disagreements concerning marriage recognized by the law...

Cooperative Hsg Soc Matters

All disputes between a member and the society including recovery of dues from a defaulter...

Cheque Bouncing

A bounced cheque is a cheque for which there is not enough fund in the bank account to cover it...


At Tips legal, we are committed to helping our clients. Here’s our practice areas.

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  • Has over 40 years of experience
  • Committed To Helping Our Clients

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